Nail Your Marketing Strategy with the StoryBrand Framework


Storytelling is the new marketing. And although the concept of leveraging storytelling as a marketing tactic is far from new, it’s become a necessity in recent years due to a crowded content market.

No author exemplifies the importance of storytelling better than Donald Miller in Building a StoryBrand. In StoryBrand, Miller defines the points of a story that all humans respond to and explains the need to outline those points clearly and concisely in marketing messaging.

This past April, I attended a StoryBrand workshop in Nashville to dig deeper into the StoryBrand Framework and become StoryBrand Certified. Not only has this new approach helped me tailor Brand Viva’s message — it’s also allowed me to help our clients get clear with their messaging and goals.

Here’s how the team at Brand Viva can help you use the StoryBrand Framework to nail your marketing strategy:

Clarify Your Message

The StoryBrand Framework hinges on one foundational principle: Clarity.

Consumers are hit with a seemingly endless stream of advertisements on a daily basis but the human brain has only a finite amount of time, attention, and energy. Does your marketing messaging instantaneously tell your customer what your brand does and how you can bring value to their lives?

In a world that relies increasingly on video and images, it’s crucial to keep text to a minimum. We can help distill your value proposition to a single, easily-digestible soundbite.

Become Part of Your Customer’s Story

People want to be the hero of their own story and they want your company to be the guide.

Evaluate your customer’s story. Figure out what your customer wants, what’s getting in the way of them achieving success, and what will happen if they fail. Then, make them feel seen, heard, and understood.

Rather than shouting, “We’re the best!” from a mountaintop and hoping your customer takes notice, meet them with understanding and empathy within their story — and guide them to success.

Create a Marketing Roadmap

Once you’ve clarified your company’s message and inserted yourself into your customer’s story, it’s time to put storytelling into action.

At Brand Viva, we provide the strategy, direction, and content you need to tell your story. Our team can help optimize your website, provide social media and email marketing content, and create lead generation tools that will keep your brand top-of-mind and get customers to take action.

With a clear message and established marketing roadmap, you will be poised to engage with your target audience, communicate your brand’s value, and drive sales.

Ready to get started with the StoryBrand Framework?

  1. Schedule a meeting

  2. Define your goals and clarify your messaging with our team

  3. Put your marketing strategy to work


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