10 Tips to Increase Your Podcast Listeners

Headphones on a yellow background - 10 tips to increase your podcast listeners

You’ve put a lot of work into producing a great podcast with quality audio and engaging content, and now you’re ready to boost your download numbers and grow your podcast. But you’re not quite sure what you’re supposed to do. Let us help you get started!

Here are 10 tips for increasing your podcast listeners:

1. Ask Listeners to Subscribe

This one may seem obvious, but one of the best ways to boost your download numbers is to get listeners to subscribe to your podcast. When someone subscribes to a podcast, each new episode automatically downloads to their feed. This helps to increase your download numbers as well as keeps your show at the top of their minds whenever they open their podcast app.

The simplest way to do this is through your call to action at the beginning or end of each episode. Add it to your show outline to ensure you never forget!

You can also get a little creative and run a contest on your social media accounts. Create a few engaging posts, asking people to subscribe to the podcast and tag a friend or two in the comments to be entered to win some branded swag, a gift card or anything related to your podcast!

Here is an example of a recent giveaway from one of Brand Viva’s podcasting clients:

Screenshot of social media post to increase podcast listeners

2. Be a Guest on Other Podcasts

Podcast listeners are often very loyal and trust their favorite podcast hosts for recommended products, services and thought leaders! Sharing your knowledge and expertise on another podcast is one of the best ways to get your name and voice in front of a new audience. 

And be sure to extend an offer to the host to have them on your show!

3. Cross-Post Your Podcast on YouTube

At Brand Viva, we highly recommend producing an audiovisual recording of your podcast to cross promote on YouTube. When you capture your show’s production on camera, you allow listeners to see the personality behind the podcast.

As the #2 visited website worldwide—and a growing podcast platform—YouTube may be the untapped resource you need to increase exposure and expand your audience reach. 

Check out one of our past blog posts, Why You Should Cross-Post Your Podcast to Youtube, for more benefits of sharing your podcast as a video.

4. Share New Episodes on Social Media

Sharing newly released episodes with your audience on your social media channels not only promotes your podcast, but it also provides you with great, fresh content.

We recommend creating a set of branded graphics that you can create for each episode that you can post throughout the week.

  • 1:1 Graphic: Features the episode’s title or theme and your guest’s name and photo

  • Quote Graphic: An engaging, powerful quote from the episode that’s great for sharing

  • Instagram Stories Graphic: Share and link in your Stories!

Audiogram: A short audio excerpt that can be turned into a video and shared on your feed (You can use online platforms like Headliner to create these.)

5. Invite Guests to Be on Your Podcast

Much like being a guest on someone else’s podcast, inviting other thought leaders and experts to be on your show is a great way to attract new listeners. And be sure to ask them to share the episode with their audience on social media. You can even provide them with a couple shareable graphics to make it convenient for them.

And, if your podcast doesn’t typically feature interviews, an occasional guest is also a great way to shake up your content for your regular listeners!

6. Create a Podcast Trailer

You may have done this when you first started your podcast, but if you haven’t already done so, create a short audio trailer that you can pin to the top of your show feed. This should be short and sweet (no longer than a couple minutes!) and should introduce people to you and the topics you cover. You could also include an excerpt or two from your favorite episodes to give people a taste of what they’ll hear on your show.

7. Design a Cover Image That Stands Out

When designing the show artwork for your podcast, it’s important to consider how it might look alongside other shows on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. We even find it helpful to mock up a search page to see whether or not it stands out among the crowd!

Screenshot of Spotify podcast search results

8. Build an Email List

Email lists are a great way to remind your audience about your podcast. It keeps you at the top of their inbox and at the top of their mind! In addition to your newest episode, you can also share links to recent videos or blog posts you’ve done, social media handles and anything else you might be up to.

9. Write Compelling Episode Titles

When naming your episode, don’t just call it “Episode 72” or some other generic title. Think about what you want your audience to gain from listening to the episode and what might motivate them to want to listen. Instead of naming an episode about productivity “Being Productive” go with something more action-oriented: “How to Become More Productive by Becoming More Focused.”

And if the episode features a guest with good name recognition, be sure to include their name in the title!

10. Pay Attention to SEO

Lastly, every episode needs to include a description and show notes. This is a key aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and helps people find your podcast when they’re searching for certain topics or keywords. (Did you know podcasts can now show up in Google search results?!) Episode descriptions should be detailed but concise, using your keywords at the beginning since podcast apps only have around 120 visible characters in search listings.

Want to take some of the guesswork and trial-and-error out of producing and growing your podcast? Learn more about Brand Viva’s podcast production services. Our team can help you take your podcast to the next level.

Producing original content and maintaining a digital marketing plan can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Brand Viva Media is an agency that creates custom content and marketing strategies for our clients. When you have the marketing plan you need, your brand gains exposure, customers engage more, and your business flourishes. 

The Brand Viva team produces podcasts locally in Denver, Colorado, and remotely with our partners across the United States. We are here to get you up and running, streamline your podcast, and help grow your audience.


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