5 Tips for Better Video Conference Calls

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Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and other video conferencing platforms have become the daily norm and have transitioned as the new, standard conference room in the past year. As you enter each meeting, are you keeping your setup in mind? Whether you’re meeting with your team or (potentially new) clients, presenting quality video calls will eliminate distractions and maintain professionalism. The smallest adjustments can create the greatest improvements. Practice these five tips to avoid poor habits and ensure high-quality video calls every time.  

1. Find a good source of light. 

One of the most common mistakes in video calls is inefficient lighting. Computer webcams automatically adjust to room lighting. When positioned behind the light, the camera will automatically focus entirely on the background, leaving you in the dark—literally.  

HOW TO FIX: Natural lighting works well. Sit in front of a window—not with your back turned to the window, but with your face forward. If you’re unable to make this adjustment, close the blinds to any windows that may be in the view of the camera. Whichever light source you utilize, make sure it is positioned directly in front of you.  

2. Adjust your camera angle.

Not sure what defines an unflattering camera angle? It consists of an unbalanced upward or downward position. These angles result in close-up shots of the inside of your nose or your ceiling. No one needs to see that! Also, poor camera angles can affect your lighting (refer back to tip #1).

HOW TO FIX: Make sure your webcam is at eye level. If you’re unable to use a table or desk that creates an eye-level angle, elevate your laptop or monitor on a stack of books or boxes.  

3. Look directly into the camera.

It’s more convenient to work with two monitors, especially when working remotely. However, placing your webcam off-center while addressing everyone else on your other monitor creates an awkward angle as others are left looking at you indirectly or from the side. 

HOW TO FIX: Make sure the main screen you’re interacting with is the one with the camera. When a video call starts, exit the full screen and drag the main window over to the computer with the webcam. You will improve your positioning, and your eye contact will sync with your primary monitor. Refer back to tip #2 for the best camera angles.

4. Reduce background noise.

Whether your new office is your bedroom, living room, or kitchen table, these areas often consist of surrounding hard surfaces, such as wood and tile floors or vaulted ceilings. In these environments, an echo is more likely to be produced. 

HOW TO FIX: Find a quiet space with minimal or no room echo. These places are usually found in carpeted areas or around a lot of furniture. Even a walk-in closet will suffice. When in doubt, high-quality sound beats location or video quality when it comes to video calls.  

5. Avoid a busy background.

Busy or strange backgrounds can be unprofessional. No one needs to see a dirty kitchen or staircase in the background, as this can be distracting. It can be easy to overlook this as you are focused on listening and presenting in the call rather than what is behind you. 

HOW TO FIX: Survey your background and tidy up before the call starts. Do you have clothes, board games, or pet toys on the floor? Are your pillows misplaced on the couch? The less clutter or mess in the background, the better. If possible, always sit in front of a blank wall or other minimal surroundings.


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